Sila Tinggakan Jejak Di Sini
Monday, November 29, 2010
Aku Kena Tag oleh Cik Siti Mashitah
instruction: fill out these questions and make a new note called ABC about you, then tag 25 people, if you got tag by me, you have to take survey and repost it..!!!
B. BIRTHDAY = 06/05/2010 yg lepas
C. CRUSHING ON = keja..
D. DRINK YOU HAD LAST = carrot susu ..
H. HOMETOWN = Butterworth, Penang
J. JUNGGLE = Janda Baek
L. LONGGEST CAR RIDE = From Penang - KL - Pahang - Terengganu - Kelantan - Penang balik, sakit pinggang Ooo, tp best hehehe
O. ONE WISH = Dekat dengan Allah
Q. QUESTION = Bila le nak habih hutang rmh
R. REASON TO SMILE = Ikut sunnah Nabi
S. SONG YOU LAST HEARD = Sahabat Sejati - Brothers
T. TIME YOU WAKE UP = 5.30am
U. UNDERWEAR COLOUR = semua warna ada maa..
W. WORST HABIT = malas
Y. YOYOS ARE = lalala
Note: Kepada kawan2 bersedialah mili tag korang pulak yea, LAYAAAN .. hehe
Sunday, November 28, 2010
You Are ...
You are brave... when you overcome your fear and help others to do the
You are happy... when you see a flower and are thankful for the blessing.
You are logvin... when your own pain does not blind you to the pain of
You are wise... when you know the limits of your wisdom.
You are true... when you admit there are times you fool yourself.
You are alive... when tomorrow's hope means more to you than yesterday's mistake.
You are growing... when you know what you are but not what you will become.
You are free... when you are in control of yourself and do not wish to
control others.
You are honorable... when you find your honor is to honor others.
You are generous... when you can take as sweetly as you can give.
You are humble... when you do not know how humble you are.
You are thoughtful... when you see me just as I am and treat me just as you are.
You are merciful... when you forgive in others the faults you condemn
in yourself.
You are beautiful... when you don't need a mirror to tell you.
You are rich... when you never need more than what you have.
You are you... when you are at peace with who you are not.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Kuda Bergaduh
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dalam perjalanan ke pasar mereka berdua melalui jalan yang berbatu-batu. "Kutip batu-batu yang besar dan masukkan ke dalam guni yang kau bawa itu." Kata sang guru memberi arahan. Tanpa banyak soal, anak muridnya memasukkan batu-batu besar yang mereka temui sepanjang jalan. "Cukup?" "Belum, isi sampai penuh karung guni itu."
Sampai di pasar, mereka berdua tidak membeli apa-apa. Berlegar-legar, melihat-lihat dan kemudiannya mula beredar ke luar. "Tuan guru, kita tidak membeli apa-apa?"
"Tidak. Bukankah karung gunimu ini tekah penuh?" "Ya..ya.."kata si murid agak kelelahan.
"Banyak beli barang," tegur seorang kenalan apabila melihat mereka dengan guni yang kelihatan berat itu. "Wah ... tentu mereka berdua ini orang kaya; banyak sungguh barang yang mereka beli." Kata seseorang. "Agaknya mereka hendak buat kenduri besar." Kata yang lain pula.
Sebaik kembali ke tempat tinggal mereka, si murid meletakkan guni yang berisi batu tadi.
Oh letihnya ... "Apa yang kita nak buat dengan batu-batu ini tuan guru?" "Tak buat apa-apa." "Eh, kalau begitu letih sahajalah saya." keluh si anak murid.
"Letih memang letih, tapi kamu dah belajar ilmu tentang keikhlasan." "Ikhlas?" Balas si murid kehairanan. "Kamu dah belajar apa akibatnya tidak ikhlas dalam beramal. Batu-batu ini umpana amalan orang yang riya'. Tidak ikhlas. Orang memujinya seperti orang-orang di pasar tadi memuji banyaknya barang yang kamu beli. Tapi kamu sendiri tahu itu bukan barang makanan atau keperluan, tetapi hanya batu-batu." "Amal yang tidak ikhlas umpama batu-batu ini." "Ya, hanya berat sahaja yang ditanggung. Dipuji orang tetapi tidak ada nilainya di sisi Allah. Apa yang kamu dapat hanya penat." "Ya sekarang saya faham apa akibatnya jika beramal tetapi tidak ikhlas." Ujar si murid.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Today is a gift ...

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Kau Pergi ...
Setahu aku adik Sarah mana ada penyakit kronik, biasa-biasa saja. Aku pun mula bangun sambil menguap dan menggosok-gosok mata. 5 minit kemudian hp aku bernyani lagi. Iskandar berkata dengan suara terketar-ketar, bahawa adik Sarah aku dah tiada....
Hahhh,.. aku rasakan seperti dunia berpusing, hairan, bingung ... sakit apa, kenapa, bagaimana boleh berlaku dsbnya. Pelbagai persoalan bermain di benakku. Iskandar sudah tidak mampu berkata-kata. Aku pun jawab. Ok abang balik sekarang dan call adik aku Syam yang duduk berhampiran rumahku. Syam pun terkejut sakan seakan tidak percaya. Aku kata jom kita balik sekarang. Maka kami pun berangkatlah dari rumah masing-masing dari Penang ke Kamunting. Minyak kereta aku pulak dah nak habis, angin tayar pulak kurang, sebabnya cadangan aku pagi esoknya baru aku nak isi.
Perjalanan yang sepatutnya sejam menjadi sejam setengah gara-gara atanden minyak esso di Perai lambat mengira wang dan beratur isi angin. Aku dah mula berpeluh. Sabar-sabar.
Dalam perjalanan, aku call Iskandar dan dia masih berada di hospital bersama ibuku untuk urusan arwah. Jadi aku pun mengambil keputusan menguruskan segala keperluan di rumah. Subuh dah masuk dan aku mengambil keputusan solat subuh di RnR Bukit Merah, Semanggol.
Rumah ibubapaku berhampiran benar dengan Masjid Kg. Ekspo. Sampai di Kg Ekspo, aku terus ke masjid untuk memaklumkan berita sedih ini.
Imam Rashid memberi tunjuk ajar apa yang harus aku lakukan seterusnya. Aku contact Iskandar dalam pukul 7.15, rupanya dah boleh ambil bawak balik adik aku tu.. orang masjid pun kata cepatnya urusan tu. Kemudian Pak Kassim pun membawa van jenazah ambil jenazah adik aku di hospital Taiping
Mayat arwah sampai di rumah lebih kurang dalam pukul 8.30am, awal nih.. silap aku dengan persetujuan orang-orang masjid, nak simpan lepas zohor. Ingat lambat lama lagi urusan di hospital. Rupanya cepat benar, aku dan orang-orang masjid pulak dah war-warkan bhw mayat akan dsimpan selepas zohor, maka kamipun ikutlah plan tu ... Semua urusan pengebumian berjalan lancar. Ramai yang datang ziarah.
Dalam kesempatan ini aku ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir seperti berikut:
Terima kasih kepada imam Rashid, imam Wahid kerana sudi membaca talkin dan memberi tunjuk ajar kepadaku untuk segala keperluan. Jiran sebelah cikgu Mior sekeluarga, Jiran belakang rumah yang sanggup memasak makanan d rumah mereka untuk kami dan tetamu yang hadir tanpa mengambil sesen pun. Sedekah katanya. Allahu Akbar, sungguh mulia hati kalian. Kepada Hj Mizi yang menguruskan kelengkapan urusan dari segi pengangkutan, gali kubur hinggalah kerusi-kerusi yang dibawa dengan lori. Ustazah yang memandikan (nama lupa) zaujah kepada ust Manolito dan kawan-kawannya. Pak Kassim, Mutalib, Guru-guru Sek. Men. Keb. Bukit Jana (Guru Sekolah adik Sarah) yang datang ziarah penduduk-penduduk Kg Ekspo yang tidak tersebut semua nama-nama kalian, saudara mara yang datang ziarah jauh dekat dari KL, Ipoh, Penang dll. Semoga kalian semua mendapat ganjaran yang baik dari Allah swt.
Kepada adik Sarah, abang akan sentiasa doakan adik di sana. Abang tak sempat mengenali adik dengan lebih dekat lantaran abang bekerja di Penang. Sementelah umur kita pun jauh berbeza 15 tahun. Time cuti baru balik. Itupun kalau abang kena pi outstation abg tak balik.. just call aje.. Abg mintak maaf banyak2 seandainya abg ada menyakiti hati adik secara sedar atau tidak. Air mata abg mengalir laju sekarang ni. Entahlah abg rasa bersalah sgt, sebab abg tak rapat sangat dengan adik Sarah selama nie. Abg ingat tu ingat .. tapi abg tak pernah ucap abg SAYANG kat adik. Setelah adik tiada baru abg terasa tiada lagi ketawa adik, merajuk adik, abg benar-benar rasa kehilangan adik sekarang. Semoga roh adik ditempatkan bersama-sama orang beriman di sana. Selagi hidup insyaallah abg akan doakan selalu pada adik. Abg dah tak boleh taip dah. Sedih sangat, air mata abg mengalir terus. Abg akan simpan semua kenangan kita dalam memori terindah Diari Hidup abg. Abang nak ucapkan abang SAYANG kan adik Sarah. Semoga adik tenteram di sana, Amin. Al Fatihah.....
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Meninggal dunia selepas solat Asar

Saya nak mulakan kisah ini dengan kisah yang pertama.
Kisah ini berlaku pada seorang imam di selatan KL yang meninggal dunia ketika lepas solat Asar. Imam tersebut meghembus nafasnya yang terakhir sebaik sahaja selesai memberi salam yang pertama. Subhanallah! Matinya dalam keadaan yang amat murni. Murni di sini maksud saya, matinya bukan dalam keadaan berbuat maksiat pada Allah SWT. Mati ketika habis solat dan masih di atas tikar sejadah dan sedang beribadah!
Jenazahnya telah di bawa ke hospital X untuk urusan pemeriksaan rutin (medical check-up) dan urusan-urusan lain yang perlu untuk pengurusan pengkebumian.
Pihak hospital X telah memanggil ustaz M untuk urusan mandian jenazah. Maka bergegaslah ustaz M ke hospital untuk urusan tersebut sebab bagi beliau, jenazah yang hendak dimandikan ini begitu istimewa pada pandangannya, kerana roh si mati telah dicabut oleh malaikat Izrael ketika mana sedang mengimami solat!
Sebaik sampai di hospital, ada sedikit masalah yang timbul. Pihak hospital telah mendapati bahawa jenazah imam tersebut tidak mempunyai sebarang pengenalan diri, dan pihak hospital atas bantuan rakan-rakan jenazah mendapat tahu, jenazah imam ini adalah meupakan orang luar. Maknanya seorang imigran, yang bermastautin di negara kita.
Rentetan daripada kes ini, pihak hospital X terpaksalah menyimpan dahulu jenazah tersebut untuk beberapa hari bagi urusan dokumentasi dengan pihak berwajib sehinga selesai dan kemudian itu barulah segala urusan yang berkaitan pengebumian akan dilaksanakan. Yang pasti terkilannya sudah tentu ustaz M. Kerjanya sudah sedikit terbantut pada hari itu. Sebelum itu, hatinya sudah pun begitu berbunga untuk menguruskan jenazah imam yang dimuliakan Allah SWT ini. Tentu ada kelebihan tersendiri kenapa imam tersebut pengakhiran rohnya di atas tikar sejadah! Maka, jenazah imam tersebut pun dimasukkanlah ke dalam 'freezer' (maaf, saya tak tahu apa istilah pembeku mayat ini) di dalam bilik mayat hospital X buat sementara waktu.
Lapan hari berlalu. Ustaz M dah mula nak melupakan pasal jenazah imam ini.
Tapi, dengan takdir Allah SWT, hari ke-9, telefon bimbit ustaz M berbunyi.
"Nampak macam no hospital nie", getus hati ustaz M.
"Hello, ustaz M ye?"... satu suara bertanya.
"Ya, ustaz M bercakap".
"Ustaz ingat lagi tak mayat imam yang meninggal masa solat Asar tempohari?", sang suara meminta kepastian.
"Imam...imam. ...yanng mana satu....ermm. .oh...ya. .ya..ingat. .ingat... ", ustaz M memberi kepastian dalam ingat-ingat lupanya.
"Dokumen dah siap, boleh ustaz datang sepital, uruskan tak?", beritahu sang suara ringkas.
"Ok..ok..., sekarang juga aku bergerak, setengah jam lagi aku sampai! ",
balas ustaz M. Lega hati ustaz M. Dapat juga dia uruskan mayat tersebut setelah beberapa hari 'pending'. Ingatkan dah tak jadi apa-apa dah. Lama bebenor pihak hospital nak mengurus kan dokumennya.
Sampai di hospital, ustaz M yang baru tiba diarahkan ke bilik mayat. Di bilik mayat telah ada beberapa orang saksi di kalangan pegawai hospital dan juga polis serta saksi-saksi lain termasuk rakan-rakan jenazah imam tersebut. Semua saksi ini diperlukan kerana inilah 'prosedur' yang telah ditetap oleh pihak berwajib. Sebab jenazah dah berhari-hari di situ. Tambahan pula jenazah orang luar.
Bismillahir Rohmaanir Rohiim...... Dengan bersaksikan mata sekeliling yang memandang, ustaz M menarik 'stretcher ' peti sejuk beku mayat tersebut dengan perlahan-lahan. ..
Subhanallah! Mayat imam ini masih lagi segar merah. Mayat ini juga berpeluh! Macam mana simpan dalam peti ais berhari-hari boleh berpeluh?
Korang tak payah jawablerrr.. ..Seolah- olah imam ni baru aje meninggal sebentar tadi. Mayatnya tidak keras dan tidak pula membeku! Macam orang sedang tidur. Ustaz M kelu lidahnya. Begitu juga orang di sekeliling.
Istimewa sungguh mayat ini. Kalau daging mayat biasa dah lama mengeras dan membeku. Masya-Allah! Sekali lagi perkara pelik berlaku...terdapat pula pada dahi jenazah imam ini, tertera satu kalimah tauhid iaitu perkataan "ALLAH"!
Semua orang di sekitar dapat menyaksikan peristiwa ini. Tiada perkataan lain yang keluar dari mulut mereka melainkan tasbih memuji Allah SWT meniti di bibir masing-masing di atas apa yang berlaku.
Semakin bersemangatlah nampaknya ustaz M nak menguruskan jenazah tersebut. Yerlah, siapa yang tak suka pada sesuatu yang molek dan membahgiakan kan ?....
Jenazah imam itu dimandi, dikapan dan disembahyangkan dengan segera sebagaimana biasa. Semua proses ini berjalan dengan lancar tanpa sebarang masalah. Semuanya berjalan amat mudah. Allah SWT telah pun memuliakan jenazah imam ini di dunia lagi atas jasa-jasa dia yang Allah SWT sahaja yang mengetahuinya.
Mengikut ustaz M lagi, lepas semua tu selesai, dia ada juga bertanya pada rakan-rakan Allahyarham apa yang diamalkan oleh Allahyarham semasa hidup sehingga mendapat pengiktirafan yang begitu tinggi daripada Allah SWT masa kematiaanya.
Jawapan yang didapati daripada rakan-rakannya ialah selain daripada seorang yang berbudi pekerti mulia dan seorang imam yang baik, amalan semasa hidupnya ialah tidak pernah tinggal bangun malam dan bersolat tahajjud. Semua amalan ini dilakukkanya secara istiqamah. Ditambah pula oleh amalan-amalan lain yang tidak dapat dilihat oleh rakan-rakan arwah, yang mana hanya Allah SWT sahaja Yang Maha Mengetahuinya.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Crocodile want to eat elephant

This is the shocking moment a crocodile grabbed the trunk of a baby elephant, hoping to get lunch. The scene was captured by amateur photographer Johan Opperman while taking pictures of a family of African elephants grazing by a water hole in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Hearing the calf's distress calls, the herd of elephants immediately came to its rescue, scaring the croc off.
Note: Very dangerous ...
Monday, November 1, 2010
An inspiring story of the world's youngest CEO
Suhas Gopinath
When 14-year-old Suhas Gopinath started Globals Inc ten years ago from a cyber cafe in Bengaluru, he didn't know that he had become the youngest CEO in the world.
Today, Globals is a multi-million dollar company with offices in the United States, India, Canada, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Australia, Singapore and the Middle East and has 100 employees in India and 56 abroad.
Among the several honors that have been bestowed upon this young man, the most prestigious is the invitation to be a member of the Board of the ICT Advisory Council of the World Bank..
In 2007, the European Parliament and International Association for Human Values conferred 'Young Achiever Award' on him. He was also invited to address the European Parliament and other business dignitaries assembled in the EU Parliament. He is also recognised as one of the 'Young Global Leaders' for 2008-2009 by the prestigious World Economic Forum.
Suhas is the youngest member ever in the World Economic Forum's history. The other members include the Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, Hollywood star Leonardo Di Caprio, musician A R Rahman, Prince of Brunei, etc. In this interview from his office in Bengaluru, Suhas Gopinath talks about his decade long journey and his dreams for the future.
Suhas Gopinath with former President APJ Abdul Kalam
On his childhood
I come from a middle class family. My father worked as a scientist for the Indian Army. I used to study in the Air Force school in Bengaluru. As a child, I was more interested in animals and veterinary science. But when I saw my friends who had home computers talk about it, I had this urge to learn and talk in their wave length. But we didn't have a computer at home. In those days, computers were very expensive and we couldn't afford one.
o, what I did was, I located an Internet cafe near my house. With my modest monthly pocket money of Rs 15, I couldn't afford to surf the net every day.
I noticed that the shop was closed in the afternoon from 1 PM to 4 PM. So, I offered to open the shop for him after my school hours and take care of the customers.
In the bargain, he let me browse the net for free. That was the first business deal of my life and it turned out to be a successful one.
Suhas with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates
On building websites using open source technology
Once I got the chance to manage the shop and browse the net, I started building websites. It became my passion in no time. I got hooked to open source technology after I started looking for e-books on how to build websites. They were not available as they were created in propriety sources. So, I started using open source to build websites.On getting the first contract to build a website There is a freelance marketplace on the web where I could register and offer my services to build websites. I registered myself there as a website builder.
The first website I had to do was free of cost as I had no references. It was for a company in New York . My first income was $100 when I was 13 for building another website but I didn't have a bank account. so, I told my father that I built a website and got paid for it.
I was not excited to get the money because money was not a factor that drew me to it. It was the passion for technology that attracted me. I used to build websites free of cost also. I was only a 9th standard student. After that, I built my own portal and called it It was focused on NRIs. It was a portal where I wanted to showcase my skills.
After that, many companies approached me to be their web designer. Suhas Gopinath speaking to students' at a conference in Austria
On buying his first computer
When I was in the 9th standard itself, I had made enough money to buy a computer for myself. At that time, my brother was studying engineering and my father thought he needed a computer. In no time, I also bought one for myself. But we didn't have a net connection at home.
My spending hours in the net cafe working on websites did affect my studies. I spent the entire summer vacation after the 9th standard in the cafe.
On rejecting a job offer from the US
When I was 14, Network Solutions offered me a part-time job in the US and they said they would sponsor my education in the US . I rejected the offer because that was the time I had read a story about Bill Gates and how he started Microsoft.
I thought it was more fun to have your own company. Many US companies used to tell me that I didn't even have a moustache and they felt insecure taking my services. They used to connect my ability with my age and academic qualifications. So, I wanted to start my own company and show the world that age and academic qualifications are immaterial. I decided then that when I started a company, I would recruit only youngsters and I would not ask for their academic qualifications and marks cards. I follow that in my company. Gopinath delivering a lecture at the DLD Conference
On starting his own company at 14
Soon after my 9th standard summer vacation, I started my own company, Globals Inc. I wanted the name Global or Global Solutions but both were not available, so I named it Globals.
I registered my company in the US as in India , you will not be able to start a company unless you are 18. It takes only 15 minutes to start a company in the US .
I became the owner and CEO of the company. My friend, an American who was a university student, became a board member. I was very excited because that was what I wanted to do. From that day, I started dreaming of making my company as big as Microsoft.
On doing badly in school
In my pre-board CBSE exam, I failed in Mathematics. The school headmistress was shocked because that was the first time I had failed in any subject. She called my mother and said she was horrified by my performance. At home, like any typical South Indian mother, my mother made me swear on her head that I would focus on academics.
I told my mother that the world's richest man Bill Gates had not completed his education. Why do you force me then, I asked her. She then said, I am sure his horoscope and yours are not the same! I come from a family where entrepreneurship is considered a sin. My mother was quite upset. She wanted me to do engineering, then an MBA and work in a good company.
As per my mother's wishes, I took a four-month sabbatical from my company and studied for my board exam. I passed with a first class. I still feel that you cannot restrict yourself to bookish knowledge. I believe that practical knowledge is more important. In the first year, the turnover of Globals Inc was Rs 1 lakh (Rs 100,000). The second year, the turnover went up to Rs 5 lakh (Rs 500,000).
Suhas receiving the Incredible Europe Innovation Award at Vienna
On looking at Europe as a market
Till I was 16 or 17, I didn't tell my parents that I had started a company. I kept it a secret because I thought they would object to it. They only knew that I was a freelancer.
We used to build websites and also offer online shopping and e commerce solutions. We even gave part time work to a few programmers in the US when we got many projects but we never had any office. When I was 16, I saw that there were enormous business opportunities in Europe as a majority of the Indian IT companies were working for American companies.
When I contacted a Spanish company, it rejected my offer saying Indians do not know Spanish. As an entrepreneur, you can't accept rejection, especially when you are young.
I hired five student interns from some Spanish universities and told them they would be paid based on their successful sales. They were the people who met the companies and bagged the projects for us. By now, we decided to have a home office in Spain . I replicated the same model in Italy . I contacted some Italian university students.
Suhas meeting with Sheikha Nayhan, Minister for Higher Education, the UAE
On going to Germany to talk about entrepreneurship
The American newspapers were writing a lot about me as the world's youngest CEO at 14 from India , from a middle class background. It was a good story for the BBC also. I never expected to be in the limelight. For me, starting a company was like realising a passion of mine.
On seeing these stories, a B-school in Germany invited me to talk to its students on entrepreneurship. I was 17 then. By now, I had completed my 12th standard and had joined Engineering in Bengaluru. When I was 18, we set up an office -- the European HQ in Bonn . Then, we moved to Switzerland . Six months back, we started our operations in Vienna as well.
That is how we spread our operations from a small Internet cafe to become a multinational company with significant operations in Europe, Middle East, the US , Canada , the UK , Australia , etc.
On registering a company in India at 18
The day I turned 18, I registered our company in India as Globals, opened an office and recruited four people. I opened the office next to the Internet cafe where I started my career.
By then, he had closed shop and joined a factory as an employee. Whenever I met him, I used to tell him, 'you made me an entrepreneur but you stopped being one.'
On moving to creating products
We wanted our company also to be a product development company and our focus was on education, like the software that manages everything about a child while in school starting from admission till he/she leaves school and becomes an alumnus. It is a nasty software which students are going to be quite unhappy about! This software was aimed only at the Indian market. I want to be the market leader in ICT in education. Our software is being used in more than 100 schools all over India , Singapore and the Middle East . We are now in the process of raising funds. Once we do it, we will separate the company into two service and product development. I want to concentrate on products as I can't sail on two boats.
World Bank president Robert Zoellick
On meeting former President Abdul Kalam
I met Dr Abdul Kalam when he was the President of India. I was 17 or 18 then. My meeting was scheduled for 15 minutes but we had such an intense conversation that it went on for one-and-a-half hours. I didn't feel that I was talking to the President of India. We talked like two friends. He was sitting in his chair across the table but after some time, he came and sat next to me. He isi such a modest person that it was a learning experience for me.
On being on the board of the World Bank
As per the wishes of my parents, I joined engineering but didn't complete my engineering: like Bill Gates! When I was in my 5th semester, the World Bank invited me to attend their board meeting. I am the only Indian on the board of the World Bank.
The objective was to explore how ICT can improve the quality of education in the emerging economies, by bringing in accountability and transparency in their financial deeds.
Robert B. Zoellick, the president of the World Bank, decided that they could not have only Americans on the board and needed people from across the world. As they were focusing on education, they wanted young minds to add value to the work.
He preferred a young mind from an emerging country and that was how I got the invitation in 2005. Not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be on the board of the World Bank. The invitation was the most unforgettable moment in my life. I report directly to Robert B Zoellick! Some of the others on the board are the CEO of Cisco, the vice president of Microsoft and the CEO of SAP; all Fortune 500 companies and me, the only Indian!
I am helping the World Bank set policies on ICT in university education so that employability can be enhanced. My aim is to reduce the number of unemployed eligible youth in the world.
Right now, we are concentrating on Africa . Soon, I want to shift the focus on to India . It has been an amazing experience for me. But I had to discontinue my engineering education at the time I joined the board, as I didn't have enough attendance in college!
Suhas Gopinath
On his dreams for his company
I have always believed that IT is not just technology but a tool that can solve the problems of people. That is what I want to do in my company. I want my company to be a market leader in software solutions concentrating on education. When I was younger, I didn't care about money. Now that I am responsible for my employees, I care about what we make. If I am not bothered about money, we cannot scale up our business. When I started my company from a net cafe in Bengaluru, I never ever imagined that one day my company would be a multi-million dollar company and I would be on the World Bank board as a member.
What drives me is my passion and it has been an amazing journey so far.
Note: Hebat budak nie..