Sila Tinggakan Jejak Di Sini

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

5 Important Lessons To Learn From The Humble Pencil

1: It tells you that everything you do
Will always leave a mark.

2: You can always correct the mistakes
You make....

3: The important thing in life is what you
Are from inside and not from outside.

4: In life you will under go painful sharpning
Which will make you better in whatever you do.

5: Finally, to be the best you can be,
You must allow yourself to be held and
Guided by the hand that holds you.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

" Life is Like a Book "

To0 many judge you by your cover and the first few pages.
In time that book gets old and put away and forgotten.
Never knowing to others what you really could offer them.
Love, understanding and knowledge a very important
ingredient to Life it self.

Later on in life, some open those old books.
They finally read the complete book and find out this
book could of changed so many things in life.
If they didn't wait too long, the books pages still
come alive with information and can be a
learning tool for others to learn from.

The sad thing.
The book is so old, you can't even read the name on
the cover and that life that was, is no longer.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Follower ke 400

Mili mengucapkan terima kasih kepada, menjadi follower mili yang ke 400. Terimalah giveaway yang tak seberapa dari mili ya... hehehe

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pengajaran Di Sebalik Kesulitan

Kita sering terlupa pada Allah bila kita dalam keselesaan. Apabila kesulitan datang mengganggu ketenangan kita, barulah kita mengeluh sambil bibir mengucapkan ... Allah .... Allah ... Ini adalah hikmah supaya kita tidak terus lalai dengan keselesaan yang kita dapat selama ini.
Ini juga menunjukkan bahawa Allah swt sayang kepada makhluk-makhluk-Nya dengan tidak membiarkan kita terus hanyut dibuat keseronokan dunia. Sesekali diujinya kita dengan kesulitan supaya kita ingat pada Allah, Tuhan Sekelian Alam.
Sebab itu kadang-kadang melalui kesulitan menjadikan kita insaf di atas perbuatan kita yang salah selama ini. Maka di setiap kesulitan itu pasti ada hikmah yang tersembunyi, yang mana kebaikan dari kesulitan yang timbul itu adalah untuk diri kita.